Let’s Talk ROI

Where AI, Meets IoT

We Bring The Smartness To The Field



Bringing AIoT To The Railway Systems.

SMS 2 Anywhere

SMS Filtering Using AI.


The Ultimate Development Kit for Bluetooth 5


Ultra Low Power Sensing

Bring your data from the field to the cloud on a single battery for years


AIoT Agents

AI Agent will handle your IoT Solution. Cutting down cost and getting your predictive maintenance alerts in a natural way.


Swarm Intelligence MANETs

Our Patent-Ready solution for cutting down connectivity power by 95%.

Our Journey

HEXio Technologies, formerly Qoudra, Started in 2009 focusing on Connected Embedded Systems.

in 2019, Qoudra Moved to Malaysia under the name HEXio Technologies.

Why Choose HEXio?

Taming the Power of AI and IoT

20+ Years Of IoT Expertise powered by GenAI Technology

You Pay Only For What You Get

We don’t sell you products, we sell you ROI.

Expert Team & Global Leaders

Experienced team endorsed by tech industry leaders.

Erwan Bin Muhammed Ma’asus

Vice President | MRT Sg. Buloh – Kajan Line

We only react to problems when they happen. With your products, We always know earlier. all the hassle can be resolved with your product.”

Dr.Hoda Hassan

Associate Professor – Information Sciences and Technology Department – George Mason University

Leveraging Bluetooth IDE for swarm intelligence has significantly reduced my research experiments from three weeks to just a few hours. This technology has the potential to accelerate the future’s arrival.”

Dr.Goh Shu Wei

COO | Skymind

Implementing blupulse in our Agritech project exceeded our expectations. We collaborated with the customer to ideate, delivered optimized hardware to the field, and provided a dashboard in less than one week.”

Eduardo Gonzales

Founder and CEO Xpress AI

We utilized HEXio’s capabilities to deliver our Xpress AI Product, powered by IoT, to a customer. We were impressed by the seamless and quick process, from hardware design and firmware implementation to hardware manufacturing. Everything worked like a charm.”